BFF CL Software - Short User Guide


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2. Force Feedback Configuration Settings

V1.3 of the CL software introduces a new Configuration Manager to replace the older CL Settings application.

Settings are made and changed in Tabs 1 to 9.

Hold the cursor over a settings box or other text area to see a detailed description for that setting in the Description area.

You can add your own notes for any setting using the Your Notes text area and the Save_Notes button.

To import your settings from a previous installation use the IMPORT button.

To save your settings use the SAVE button.

The main settings are held in your selected .cfg file, you can have different cfg files for different aircraft or flight setups. Your .cfg files are held in the Configuration Manager\Aircraft Config Files folder. The "Shared Settings" are always active for your setup and are held in the Background.ini file in the Configuration Manager folder.

To update settings in the main CL Software whilst it is running use the MAKE_ACTIVE button (does not apply to all settings - see the "Maroon - Shared Settings" description).


Tab 9 Project Steps gives a useful outline of the CL system project stages. Hold the cursor over the text to see more details of the steps.

For further details and step-by-step procedures see the setup and commissioning documents linked to in Tab 9.

Tabs 5, 6 and 7 are used to make the operating mode, sim integration, card comms and hardware settings.

Tabs 1, 2, 3 and 4 are used to set the force tuning parameters and the A/P following behaviours.


No comms will be available with your motor driver cards until the COM port and Baud settings are made in Tab 6. You can also use the Tab 9 - Item 4 - Update button to export these settings to the Card Test App for your initial system tests.

Please see the information in the Description area for Tab 9 for further information on initial settings.

See Section 4. Force Tuning for details on the force tuning procedures.

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