BFF CL Software - Short User Guide


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6. Settings for X-Plane Use

The X-Plane version of the Control Loader Betav9.7+ software runs with X-Plane v9.6+.

The BFF CL Software uses XPUIPC v1.9.0+ to communicate with X-Plane 9.6+. XPUIPC v2 can also be used.

Install XPUIPC according to the XPUIPC user documentation. Note that the simulation data CPS of the CL software is shown on its GUI window when running – you may need this value to check speed matching between the XPUIPC data output and the CL software.

IN ADDITION the XPUIPCOffsets.cfg file supplied in the BFF CL Software folder must be copied to the X-Plane/Resources/plugins folder. This allows XPUIPC to set up the required custom data offsets not currently hard-coded into XPUIPC v1.9.0. If there is already a copy of XPUIPCOffsets.cfg in the plugins folder then the contents of the CL software version should be added to the end of the existing .cfg file. You can use a simple text editor to do this (eg NotePad).

Check the installation instructions for XPUIPC v2 for the correct destination folder for the XPUIPCOffsets.cfg file - it may be different to that described above.

X-Plane UDP data output is NOT used by the CL Software vbeta9.7 or later.

See for XPUIPC.


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