3-DOF BFF Motion Driver - User Guide

V2 (3-DOF) User Guide - Contents

1. Introduction

2. Software Installation

3. Operation

4. Configuration File Settings

5. Data Output Formats

6. First Use Procedure

7. X-Plane Data Export Settings

8. Pitch Cue Settings

9. Roll Cue Settings

10. Heave Cue Settings

11. Actuator Mix Settings

12. BFF PID Servo Controller

13. Important Flight Motion Events - configuring the motion driver

14. Using Galil Controllers

15. Using Dimension Engineering Sabertooth Controllers

16. Using Dyadic SCN5 Linear Actuators

17. Using the BFF PID Servo Controller with X-Sim

18. Using Dimension Engineering Kangaroo Controller Modules

19. Touch-down bump and Engine start/stop shudder generation

20. Motion Driver for rFactor



App 1. Change Log


Updated 13/10/16 - Condor_V2.61


PID Servo Controller updated in all versions 23/3/15

Main software Updated 26/9/14 -  rFactor_V2.83beta1

Updated 10/4/14 -  MSFS_V2.83 , X-Plane V2.83


Previous Versions - MSFS_V2.80 , Condor_V2.60 , X-Plane V2.622 and Falcon 4 AF V2.61


If any of the above are not working you can use this DropBox folder for downloads - DROPBOX


Older PDF User Manual, Motion Cue Settings Guide


The BFF Motion Driver generates real-time digital position demand signals to drive the movements of a flight simulator motion platform.

V2 of the Motion Driver also provides separate motion cues for articulated projector displays (as described here).

The BFF motion driver works with Microsoft Flight Sims FS9 or FSX (also Lockheed MartinŽ Prepar3DŽ), X-Plane 8.68 / 9.6, Falcon F4 and Condor Soaring. Each Sim has a separate motion driver .exe.

The motion driver can provide cues for two general types of platforms.

  • 2/3 DOF platforms in which each movement axis is driven by a single motor/actuator (independent cue outputs, Rig_Type=0).

  • 2/3 DOF platforms in which a triangle of support actuators move together to drive all axes (coupled cue outputs, Rig_Type=1).

For both types one of the 3 driver outputs can be left unused to drive 2 DOF platforms.

You must set the correct Rig_Type parameter for your motion platform type in your .bff configuration file. See Section 6 for other settings to be made before you use the software for the first time. And see Section 4. for details of other settings in the .bff configuration file.


The position demand output from the motion driver can not be used to drive electric motors directly. This requires motor speed and direction commands, and normally requires separate closed loop servo drive hardware/software. The BFF Motion Driver integrates simply with the BFF PID Servo Controller software and 64SPU-1 hardware to implement a low cost closed loop servo drive. The PID Servo Controller software is bundled with the motion driver. The 64SPU-1 and associated hardware is available on the web site.

The motion driver provides a range of output data modes which allows its position demand outputs to be interfaced with other servo drive hardware. v2.80 of the driver adds a Dimension Engineering Kangaroo interface to allow drives to be built using DE hardware alone.


The configuration settings for the motion driver are held in an editable .bff configuration file selected when the software is run. See Section 4 for the full range of motion driver settings. The .bff configuration files are kept in the same folder as the motion driver .exe.

Setting parameter Rig_Type=0 in your .bff configuration file configures the motion driver for "independent" outputs. Setting the parameter Rig_Type=1 configures the motion driver for "coupled" outputs.

NOTE For coupled 3-point support platforms Actuator 1 is the FORWARD actuator, Actuator 2 is the REAR RIGHT actuator and the Actuator 3 is the REAR LEFT actuator. For "independent" actuator platforms the three channels are pitch, roll and heave.

For 3 point support type rigs with two forward actuators and a single rear actuator simply reverse the pitch and roll cues in the configuration file using the reverse sense parameters.


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